Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Vog Alert!?!?!?!

Vog has been forecasted for March 10 - 12, 2013.  Please be careful out there!

The same information can be found at:

So, I guess there is a vog alert today in Oahu.  Being relatively new to the area, this was a first for me.  I didn't even know what a "vog" is, so I did a little googling.  It turns out this is volcanic dust/ash cloud from Kilauea Volcano on the Big Island that rides the winds and wreaks havoc on lungs.  Simply, vog = volcanic fog.  Actually, it looks like just another smoggy morning in Southern California...

The vog is expected to last from today (10/9/2012) through Thursday (10/11/2012), which is the same time the jellyfish invasion is happening.  The advice I heard on the radio was simple; stay indoors, and run the air conditioner.  I guess the air conditioner usually has an air filter that will filter out some of the vog particles from the air.  

I found another page that has 10 useful tips on how to minimize the effects of vog:

I guess this is a recurring problem on the Big Island, and it's an infrequent problem in Maui, but never a problem in Oahu or Kauai.  I guess this instance we are currently experiencing is a rarity, but it's always good to be informed.  

In any case, please try to stay safe, stay indoors, and keep your air fresh.  Talk about breaking the aloha spirit; a vog alert, and a jellyfish invasion at the same time will do the trick.  

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